Metallic protection tube thermocouple_R110 series (R111, R112)

by 서호 posted Dec 16, 2019


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Service intended

Protection tube type thermocouple is constructed with the insulator which insulates the element wire, and with the protection tube which protects the insulator. To install this thermocouple on the process pipe or on the container, it normally attaches to a connector, a flange, or a compression fitting on the protection tube. It can be manufactured as it is required for its use. As its special features, it does not have any resistance issues with a lead wire, and its immediate response to a temperature change leads to a less error rate of temperature change in a broad range.




Standard features

Element K, E, J, T
Head material ALDC (Standard)
304SS (Not available compact type)
316SS (Not available compact type)
Tolerances on temperature reading Class 2 (DIN/IEC584-2, BS/EN60584-2, JIS C1602)
Standard (ASTM E230 E988 ISA-MC96.1)